Magento is a great eCommerce platform – Out of the box it includes many powerful customer and admin features – from marketing to management… however this does NOT include eMail Marketing.

Magentos eMail marketing options (out of the box) have not really changed since it first launched, you CAN capture email addresses from a sign up box with a single of double opt in, you can then create a email template and queue the contacts that you want to send your marketing to.

BUT that’s about it… No Open rates – No Forward stats –  No Click through numbers – No Bounce rates – No Transaction values – No Reports…

So, whats the fix?

Magento integrates into many eMail Marketing Services / Solutions / Software (EMS) and in a few clicks you can have Magento capturing your contacts details and then merging them with lists which you can then segment and market to – all with full reporting.

MailChimp is one of our favorites, there is a great FREE MailChimp extension from Ebizmarts that can be quickly installed and configured, and MailChimp even offer a ‘Forever Free‘ account, so no matter what your business size is – there is no reason to not be utlising the power of Email Marketing with Magento.

There are also extensions for Pure360, Campaign Monitor and Constant Contact (to name a few)

If you want to know more about using eMail Marketing with your Magento store please get in touch with us.